The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to determine the terms and conditions of the website located at, which is managed by Türklink. In interpreting the expressions not defined in this Privacy Policy, the definitions in the Terms of Use and Account Agreement will be taken into account. Users will be deemed to have accepted this Privacy Policy upon accepting the Account Agreement. The “Corporate Account Holder” accepts that the Sub-Users he/she will invite must personally approve the provisions of this Privacy Policy. In this context, the Corporate Account Holder undertakes that from each Sub-User he/she will determine: · Approval will be obtained, · If approval is not obtained, the Sub-User will not be able to use the Portal, · Separate approval will be obtained for each Sub-User. Türklink, by investing in technology, constantly renews itself in order to provide better service to its Users in the internet field with innovative product and service applications and works to provide the best service. Turklink has the right to associate the behavior of the User who visits the site, even if they are not the "Account Owner", with a cookie in the browser for the purpose of online behavioral advertising and marketing, and to define remarketing lists based on metrics such as the number of pages viewed, duration of visit, and number of goal completions. Targeted advertising content can then be displayed to this User on the site or on other sites in the Display Advertising Network, according to the Users' interests. During the redirection of Google AFS ads to Turklink, Google may place cookies on the users' browsers or read cookies in them or use web beacons to collect information.